I know a little about a lot of stuff. I simply combine multiple ideas to make something else. It is my knack, or creativity. My art is usually inspired by an idea or theme, or simply the materials or colors on hand, dictate the project. When I see other people’s art, my inspiration is usually to not do what others are doing. That is why most of my projects are 3D, or mechanical. I can draw, but I don’t because so many others do; I’ll draw using a T-square or triangle (mechanical) while others freehand. This time I chose yarn/beadwork rather than pen/paper.

2023 Identity 2 Exhibition


I am a Slovak, born in Germany, a naturalized American. For most of my life I have been numb to the world around me. I see the world as if it was on the peripheral, at the outside edges of my vision. Coffee at the age of 30 seems to help. Overall, I know a little about a lot of stuff. I never studied for tests, rarely did homework. I was a C and D student without trying. I get bored easily. Most jobs I get burned out after 3 years. I’ve taken art classes since grade school. Drafting in high school, advertising design in college. I am self-taught in knitting/crocheting/beadwork, via books and just following patterns. Then I apply my previous art skills to my projects. I am a draftsman, a 3D designer, a visual artist that is lost and blind to the world around, destined to just wander and roam the world, but stuck in a cage.

I am, am I? (Me, Myself and I)