From Both Sides of the Globe (not for sale)


To just be able to take stones from both sides of the globe to create one beautiful piece of jewelry that will last for years

Meet the artist: Keith Rossberg

From Both Sides of the Globe by Keith Rossberg

Keith Rossberg

Identity Statement

Here is one experience that shows what kind & type of a person that I am. It was Jan. 17th, 2008, a neighbor shows up at my home at 11:22 pm and asked if I could help her. Her and her boyfriend were fighting again and both knew that they could come to my place until things settled down. This night was a lot different. Besides both drinking heavily and the boyfriend taking some pills that someone gave him earlier that day. Needless to say he slapped her around for a bit, then he loaded 2 rifles and threatened to kill her. That's when she came to ask if I could go talk to him and try to get him to give me the guns or at least to unload them. After one hour of talking to him through a door that was cracked open 3-4 inches and both rifles pointed at me the whole time, I told him I was going to go outside to let her know the progress. When I went outside I already knew the cops were out there, because I saw them through the windows. The cops talked to me for 5-10 minutes. I told them that he's calming down and that I was positive that I can get the rifles from him. The cops said that they can't let me go back in the house. I told them that I'm their best bet that nobody gets shot or killed tonight. I pulled my arm from the cop that was holding me and I went across the road and back into the house. I talked to my friend at gunpoint again for another 45 minutes. Then he asked if I would get him a bottle of water from the fridge. Before I got back through the living room I heard him discharge the 50 caliber rifle. I froze, I didn't know what to expect if I went into the room. When I got to the room I asked him if he was alright, and then I heard him crying and he said yes. He turned his head to look at me, and that's when I saw hair missing from the side of his head. That's when I told him to put the rifle under the mattress and we'll go to my place before the cops are called. I got him outside and then the cops grabbed him. I kept walking back to my home where the Annandale Police Chief came to talk to me and asked if I was alright & if I needed to talk to someone professional. The Police Chief said that even deputies that are trained have a rough time dealing with what I went through. He said to me that was a stupid, but brave thing I did. This is the kind of person I am, one who will put himself in harm's way to help others.

What role does art play in your life?

It gives me peace of mind and relaxes me.


Alien and Alienated by Keith Rossberg


A Piece of Reality, A Piece of Mind by Khristopher Page