Stolen Identity By Matthew Dolven

Stolen Identity

Acrylic on canvas board

Stolen Identity is what has been lost, stolen from the self. Through this system, my daughter has been taken, removed from my identity. I no longer have a daughter. She exists only as a distant memory. The trauma created in the name of justice will never leave me - it cannot be restored.

Meet the Artist: Matthew Dolven

Matthew Dolven

Identity Statement

I am a number in an uncaring system. I am a commodity of justice. Instead of help, of positive options, of the ability to help those I've harmed, I've been forced into more destruction and hate. From this, I am better. I see a better way. I see a way of accomplishing goals, being a positive force through restoration, repair and mediation. I am not a crime, but a valued life seeking to do better in all things. I am a force of change, seeking an opportunity to do good, seeking positive change to this system. I am a number - one of may - focused on building a system that helps people more than it harms.

What role does art play in your life?

Art is the self - physical expression of the mind, the thought. It is an escape from the pressure of life, the hell of prison. Art is my self made real - a physical record for others to experience. My inspiration for art is social change to our prison and justice systems, sharing emotion and love with all.

In the AFTI store:


Identity Dreams by Matthew Dolven


Touched by the Infinite by Midnight X