Picture Window By N. Schwartz

Picture Window (not available for sale)

Acrylic paint

I sit around most of my day and see cinder block and brick walls and I had an idea that I should put a window in here. It then clicked that maybe I could paint a window and hang it on my wall. Maybe someone else has a room or some place that has no window. They could hang it there and have one in their space, frame it with the same wood or color of your trim.

Meet the Artist: N. Schwartz

N. Schwartz

Identity Statement

Identity, to me, means that I have an understanding of who I am. Part of that is I have been shaped and no longer malleable to most outside sources. The way I think, behave, and the way that I communicate with others has been imprinted. For example, I no longer care what others think about me. I know who I am and that is all that matters!

In the AFTI store:


Touched by the Infinite by Midnight X


He Has Arrived by N. Schwartz